Sunny Steel produce an extensive selection of welded steel pipe including Electronic Resistance Welded (ERW), Electronic Fusion Welded (EFW), and Double Submerged Arc Welded (DSAW) carbon steel pipe along with their respective flanges and fittings.

ASTM A53 Standard Specifications

ASTM A53 pipe (also referred to as ASME SA53 pipe) is intended for mechanical and pressure applications and is also acceptable for ordinary uses in steam, water, gas, and air lines. It is suitable for welding, and suitable for forming operations involving coiling, bending, and flanging, subject to certain qualifications.

ASTM A252 standard covers nominal wall cylindrical steel pipe piles in which the steel cylinder acts as a permanent load-carrying member or as a shell to form cast-in-place concrete piles. Each welded pile shall be made by seamless, electric resistance welding, flash welding or fusion welding with longitudinal, helical-butt, or helical-lap seams.

API SPEC 5L is a international standard specifies requirements for the manufacture of two product specification levels (PSL 1 and PSL 2) of welded steel pipes for use in pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries.

ASTM A500 standard specification covers carbon steel, cold formed welded and seamless structural tube in both round and shaped forms.